THE event for all fans of the famous "fatty" Eastern biplane!
Wir freuen uns ganz besonders, dass sich die europäische AN-2-Gemeinde in 2021 entschlossen hat, für ihr jährliches Typentreffen bei uns auf "der Farm" vorbeizuschauen. Das Treffen findet traditionell immer Anfang August statt und ist in diesem Jahr mit unserem jährlichen Ostblock-Fly-In kombiniert.
+++ A gathering of pilots for pilots +++ guaranteed a relaxed weekend +++ flying, flying, flying +++ other vintage aircraft welcome +++ no landing fees and discounted Avgas price for registered participants as well as for all aircraft manufactured before 1959 +++
For pilots: Register here for the Antonov AN-2 Meeting 2021 >>
Für Besucher: Besucherinfos und Ticketshop fürs übergeordnete Ostblock Fly-In!
The 22nd European AN-2 Meeting starts soon. The meeting takes places in varying locations in Europe each year. After their last meeting in 2010 in Lithuania we are happy to welcome the big biplanes at the QuaxFarm in 2021.
As in the past there‘ll be a broad programme:
Upon arrival and after our welcome party on Thursday evening, we‘ll do a bit of culture and sightseeing in Germany‘s capital on Friday. After our excursion there will be a campfire get-together with BBQ. On Saturday, we will have an exciting day at our aerodrome full of flying, networking and ‚talking shop‘, along with some games and fun contests. After our traditional ‚good-bye‘ party with awarding prizes on Saturday evening, we‘ll end our event with a cozy Sunday morning, before the air crews commence their partly lengthy return flights.
You will find approach information on the pilots page of aerodrome Bienenfarm.
In-style camping in a tent or under the wing is possible, of course! And we care for shower and breakfast. Hotel accommodation is available using the keyword "Quax" at "Landhaus Ribbeck" (Tel. +49 33237 869838) or at "Fuchs & Hase" in Ribbeck (Tel. +49 33237 858264), in Nauen in the "Lavendelhof" (Tel. +49 3321 7487578) or in Gross Behnitz at "Landgut Stober" (Tel. +49 33239 208065). We will organize hotel or pilot shuttles, or shared taxis on demand; please request timely at the bar in our airfield pub.
FOOD & BEVERAGES: With your pilot‘s wristband you‘ll get access to the pilot‘s tent as well as to our participants‘ buffet. Beverages: please pay directly or open an account on your wristband‘s number and pay altogether before departure.
But of course we’ll also cater for all guests arriving by car, train, bike or by foot. :-)
für die Piloten & Crews des AN-2-Treffens
from 12:00 PM: Arrive, meet, fly
from 6 PM: Campfire and BBQ
from 10 AM: Field trip of the participating crews
from 6 PM: Campfire and BBQ
9 AM: Arrival, breakfast, setup
10 AM: Briefing at the pilot's tent
ab 10:30 Uhr: Fliegen, Staunen, Netzwerken und die Show des Ostblock Fly-Ins genießen!
ab 20:00 Uhr: Lagerfeuer, BBQ, Reden, Feiern, Livemusik
9 PM: Award ceremony
9 AM: Breakfast
ab 10:30 Uhr: Fliegen, Fachsimpeln, Zusammensein und die Show des Ostblock Fly-Ins genießen!
from 3 PM: Checkout und departure
Du möchtest als Besucher zum AN-2-Treffen? Hier gibt es die Besucherinfos und den Ticketshop fürs übergeordnete Ostblock Fly-In!
Hier die gemeldeten Teilnehmer zum Antonov AN-2 Treffen 2021.
You'd like to come, too? Quickly fill out the registration form » now!
Please send questions or feed-back to
More information on our Facebook event page for "Antonov AN-2 Treffen 2021" >>
Many ways lead to the beautiful Havelland and Bienenfarm airfield: No matter if by plane, car, train or bicycle. Therefore first a rough orientation: The airfield is located in Brandenburg, more precisely about 30 km west of Berlin near Nauen.
We have summarised the exact approach information on the [pilots page of the Bienenfarm airfield] ( "Approach information airfield Bienenfarm - EDOI").
In a nutshell: ICAO-Code EDOI, Channel 134.990 MHz, approx. 15 nm west-northwest of Berlin below the airspace C of Berlin which starts at 3500 ft MSL. Our grass field with the orientation of 12/30, 860 metres long. The north-bound pattern is at 900 ft.
Very important: Please avoid the surrounding villages during the approach and departure and especially keep to the north of the airfield. Please do not fly over Paulinenaue in extension of runway 30!
The airfield is located about 2 km east of the village Paulinenaue in its district "Bienenfarm" on the road between Berge and Paulinenaue. From the village of Berge, which is about 5 km west of Nauen on the B5, there are signs guiding you to the airfield. You can also get to the airfield from Ribbeck and Selbelang, which are also on the B5, via the signposted paths. Don't be "frightened!" This way will take via typical East-German plate roads ("Plattenwege").
The federal road B5 can be reached from Berlin via Heerstrasse in Spandau out of the city into the direction of Nauen. The B5 then crosses the Berliner Ring (A10) at Spandau junction ("Kreuz Spandau"). Accordingly, the airport is best reached from the north (Hamburg), west (Hanover) and south (Leipzig) via the western Berliner Ring (A10).
To make things simple: Enter the following address into your GPS: Lindholzfarm 1, 14641 Paulinenaue.
The nearest train station is Paulinenaue. The regional train in both directions RE2 stops here once every hour.
Coming from or going to Berlin, you can get on and off at Berlin - Alexanderplatz, Berlin - Friedrichstrasse, Berlin - Hauptbahnhof, Berlin - Zoologischer Garten, or Spandau. Travel time: From Zoologischer Garten, it takes a good half hour to get to the "Farm" for example.
With a short (and timely) phone call to the airfield at +49 33237-88280 we will fetch you from the train station and will also bring you back there. Cost for the shuttle service: 5 EUR.
The fastest Option for cyclists is taking the regional express train RE2 to Paulinenaue. Then ride along the road for about 4 km till you get to the airfield.
For those of you who would like a more detailed explanation: We are practically on the Havelland cycle path ("Havelland-Radweg"), which goes from Berlin through the Krämer Forst regional park to the Westhavelland nature park. From Berlin the airfield is located about one third of the way directly behind Ribbeck.
(Find out more about bike-touring at Tourismusverband Havelland e.V.)
Lindholzfarm 1
D-14641 Paulinenaue
"Am Flugplatz"